Fri.Sep 13, 2024

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Why Startup Pivots Fail… Even with Data

Piyanka Jain

Brikker (anonymized), a children’s toy manufacturing startup, was like a hamster on a wheel. Going nowhere fast. Their primary product, these adorable little building blocks, had gained some traction but had yet to achieve the explosive growth they’d anticipated. Customer acquisition costs were soaring… Engagement was waning… Investors were worrying… The team knew they needed a strategic pivot and fast, as they estimated they had 6 months of funding left to work with.

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Prioritization is the symptom, not the illness

Mind the Product

Learn how to overcome prioritisation challenges, as a product leader. Read more » The post Prioritization is the symptom, not the illness appeared first on Mind the Product.

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Elevating QA: The Metrics That Truly Define Quality


Test coverage alone doesn’t ensure quality. Learn how risk-based testing and user-focused metrics deliver better results.